Why doctors charge so much for consults? It's because
We don't get paid vacation
We don't get paid sick days
We don't get bonuses for outstanding performances nor for Christmas
We don't have insurance plans nor do we qualify for unemployment
We sacrifice our family on special days so that we can bring treatment to others
Illness or personal affairs are not excuses for a misdiagnosis or mismanagement
So next time you ask, remember that doctors are doctors because of the love of life.
But the love doesn't pay debts.
But the love doesn't pay debts.
Design baru ya, :D
BalasHapuspekerjaan dokter emang salah satu pekerjaan penuh pengorbanan
Iyaaaa ... hihihi ... ;))) yang dulu teh resolusinya jelek, jadi pengen design yang lebih ok. ternyata o ternyata .. di shabby blogs dah ada design jadi, bagus2 banget pulaa .. langsung deh borong design .. hehehe ..
Hapushahaha .. iya memang. tapi ada privilage juga seh yang didapat. yah, seimbang laa .. :D